Monday, April 7, 2008

Here We Go

Well Here it goes. I finally decided to give in. After so many people asking me if I have a blog, I decided that it was the easiest way to keep everyone updated. I actually was sitting on my couch while the baby was taking an unusually long nap wondering what I could be doing. This was my answer. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up on it.

"What is new with the Bartys?" I know you are all wondering. The biggest news we have is that Braden's movie is finished and released. He has worked for three years on it and we finally have a finished product. We are so excited from all the positive feedback it has received. It's doing pretty well considering he hasn't done any marketing really yet. We're hoping to make it all the way to Oprah. You can check out his website at for the movie trailer and even to buy it if you want to support our cause.

Jonah is already 10 months old. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. He is the sweetest boy and we are enjoying him so much. I've recently discovered that he loves little babies. He's using furniture to walk around everywhere and get into everything that I didn't even know we had. He finds the weirdest things on the floor and they go directly into his mouth. This usually happens even after I have cleaned the floor of any debris. He's even found cat poop a couple of times. I know it's enough to make you gag.

I'm still working a little. The housing market is very slow right now, so I'm not working that much. I'm hoping to get some remodel jobs on the side though. It's nice to have a flexible work schedule.


Claire Thompson said...

Cute blog Michelle, it really is a great way to stay updated.

This is Claire by the way.

g said...

It's about time! Jonah is such a doll, btw. We loved the Easter card :)

Devon and Michelle said...

Yes, it is about time Michelle! I took a look at the site for Braden's film and it looks really interesting! What an interesting topic- I'm sure we could have hours of conversation surrounding it. Did I ever mention that I ran into Matt H. and Nate on someone else's blog. It was a heated political debate and thank goodness I was on their side- you know how fierce both of them can be. Anyhow it was nice running into them. I look forward to keeping up with you!

Sarah H. said...

You have such a cute family. Is is so good to hear from you. We should do a reunion.