I seem to say this a lot, but only in Los Angeles would something like this happen. I'm writing about it just after it happened--FINALLY I have something exciting to write about.
So I scheduled a play date with a few other moms. We've been making it a weekly thing on Mondays to go to the playground at The Americana in Glendale which is an upscale mall. It's usually a lot of fun. So I'm sitting there chatting with the other moms, Sarah and Christina, when we all notice helicopters circling us above and tons of police sirens. Just as we're looking up and wondering what is going on, this guy comes running toward us. He was running right through the play ground and seriously I think we made eye contact. About 10 feet behind him were about 3 police officers chasing him. I just stood aside and got out of the way of everyone running. About 2 minutes after they all passed I was thinking, "why did I just move aside? I could have totally tripped the guy and the police would have caught him." Instead the guy continued to out run the out of shape police officers, and he made it into an elevator. Meanwhile there were about 5 or 6 police officers around the area looking for him. My friends and I saw him on the top level of the parking garage where my car is parked. Oh great! Now I can't even get to my car.
So we ended up being evacuated by the police because we were now in the middle of a crime scene. Apparently the guy was wanted for armed robbery in Burbank. We had no idea how long this was going to take, so all of us with our multiple children and strollers walked across the street and found a borders to hang out for a while.
We were in there for about an hour when we decided to call people to come and get us. By the way I'd like to apologize to Borders for the mess we made in the children's area. Jonah is still potty training and was wearing underwear. He will not go in the big potty, so he ended up going in his pants and I'm sure he left a little puddle of pee on the floor. It was hard to tell because it was dark carpet. One of the kids tore open a box of toys, we left crumbs and sand. What a day! Now I'm home trying to make the kids nap, and of course neither one of them is asleep. I still don't know when they'll let us in to get my car. I'm hoping I remembered to lock it and I hope they don't charge me for parking.
By the way if you want to hear a better interpretation of this story you should read
Sarah's blog because she's a much better writer than I am and I'm sure it's going to be really entertaining.
Here's video of where it all started. My friend Christina is the one lunging for him afer you hear someone say "I got him."