Monday, December 1, 2008

New Flavor

Well my ice cream is gone. It only lasted a week--even with all the Thanksgiving food we had to eat too. It doesn't help that Braden also loved it, so that meant I had to share. Anyone have an idea on the next flavor I should try? It should probably have chocolate in it. I was thinking mint ice cream with chocolate swirl. Any ideas?


Margo said...

You are hilarious. Hey, I want your chocolate pudding recipe!

Brent and Emily said...

Mint sounds yummy. I made raspberry oreo ice cream this summer that turned out pretty tasty. I have the recipe if you'd like it.

Tanya said...

personally you should put marshmallows in whatever you make, they make everything better :)

Andrew said...

I vote for something with white and dark chocolate in it.

Oh, and this is Kathy, by the way...not Andrew...although, I think he votes for something with several kinds of chocolate in it, too. :)

Sarah Heder said...

I myself love chocolate. Other than that, I'm pretty boring. I like oreos/m&ms/butterfinger --- any of that stuff in my ice-cream. The only thing I don't really like is fruit with my ice-cream. In my opinion, it doesn't go together, but I know a lot of people love it!

Beth said...

MInt with oreos and chocolate! Yum!!!

Tawny said...

Beth's idea is pretty awesome, just throw it all in there together!